Saturday, September 22, 2007

Meditation Exercise

These are two generic exercises gleaned from various books, the titles of which I can't remember. The first was part of a writing exercise to stimulate creativity, the second is the standard 'golden sparkles' thing. I use both of these to journey to Hekate, but will be fudging my specifics as yours will undoubtedly be different. Or maybe not, you'll have to let me know.

To start, find a comfortable position where you won't be disturbed. Turn off your mobile phone, it'll startle the heck out of you otherwise.

  1. Imagine yourself surrounded by a bubble of filled with golden sparkles (you might find yourself surrounded by the healing dark, instead)
  2. Breathe deeply, imagining the sparkles coming into your lungs, the energy going to your feet and ankles,
  3. with each breath, your focus moves up the body, section by section until you reach your scalp
  4. by this time you might feel sleepy, or tingly, or just really relaxed
  5. now, imagine yourself in the center of a glade, a still and deep pool of cold, clear water at your feet. this is the wellspring, it goes deep, deep, deep. Drink from it if you wish.
  6. When you're ready, look about you and see if there's a path. If not, perhaps you're drawn into the glade, perhaps there's a forest, perhaps someplace else entirely. Go where you're called.
I must stop here, because I don't know where you will be called or by whom. You might find a spirit, a Deity, or merely a place to be. I highly recommend you speak to whomever or whatever you come across, ask questions, and remember that if you get answers to any questions, they'll likely be emotional rather than verbal. If you fall asleep, you might find that if you've asked a question, you already know or suspect the answer. Or, you might have to try again...

Good luck!


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